“There is No Such thing as Bad Weather…just Unsuitable Clothing”
With our first Warrior Adventure due to start, we are all anxious as to how Mother Nature will treat us…. Will she be Kind??… or Will she present us with Challenges??
Our Warrior Camp takes us “Back to Nature” in whatever form she presents herself. We have chosen areas of the forest that will provide us with shelter, along with cover from the Forts we build. Should we experience heavy showers, we DO have covered facilities to accommodate.
Our leaders, are ready to embrace all that nature presents… Will make the most of the “Irish Summer” and… that just may mean perhaps.. a little “Dance in the Rain”
Warriors are “Brave, Stand in the Storm & Adjust their Sails”
Sheona 🙂

(Above, Tribe Camp area, with adequate forest canopy cover!) 😀